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Ring Two Factor Authentication [Picture Guide]


With all the data breaches and identity theft going on, it’s important to protect your stuff. One way is with two-factor authentication that requires not just a password but an additional code from a device like phone or app. This can be done in several ways including using Google Authenticator at closest supermarket checkout line or using your fingerprint scanner on your smartphone so you don’t have to enter anything when you come home each day and turn off the alarm system

Ring Two Factor Authentication is a security feature that requires you to enter your password and a code sent to your phone. This feature can be enabled or disabled with the “ring disable 2 step verification” command.

Ring Two Factor Authentication [Picture Guide]

You’ve probably seen the frightening news stories of hackers gaining access to a home security camera.

Just seeing these tales makes you feel abused.

We want to be sure that no one else has access to our cameras. Ring two factor authentication is a simple and efficient approach to protect your cameras from illegal access.

What is Ring Two-Factor Authentication and how does it work?

Ring will send you a text or email with a verification number that you must enter along with your password when you activate two factor authentication. If your Ring password is hacked, this adds an additional degree of protection.

How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication in Rings

The Ring app on your phone is used to enable two-factor authentication. Simply follow the instructions below to be protected in less than 60 seconds.

Open the Control Center for Rings in the first step.

In the Ring app’s top left corner, tap the hamburger menu. Then, to access the Ring security features, choose “Control Center.”

Ring App Hamburger MenuHamburger Menu in the Ring App

Ring Control CenterRing Control Center

Step 2: Select Two-Step Verification from the drop-down menu.

To activate or alter how you will get a verification code from Ring, go to the Ring Control Center and choose “Two Step Verification.”

Select Ring Two Factor VerificationSelect Ring Two-Step Verification from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Select whether you want to verify through text or email.

The verification code may be sent through text message or email. At this moment, I prefer text delivery. Ring should allow app-based alerts in the future, hopefully.

Ring Two Factor Authentication Text MessagesVerification of Text Messages through Ring

Step 4: Enable the Ring Two-Factor Authentication feature.

By selecting the button at the bottom of the app screen, choose “Turn on Two Factor.” Then, using your password, confirm your account.

Ring Turn on Two FactorTwo-factor authentication should be enabled.

Confirm Ring AccountRing Account Confirmation

Step 5: Select a phone number and input the code

Enter the phone number that will be used to send the verification code to you through text message. Your Ring account name will be linked to this number. You’ll get a text message with a verification code to input right away. 

Before the Ring verification code expires, you only have 60 seconds to input it.

Ring Two Factor Authentication Phone NumberFor two-factor verification, provide your phone number.

Ring Two Factor Verification CodeEnter the Verification Code for the Ring

Step 6: You’ve made it! You made Two-Factor Authentication available.

You’ll see a success page verifying two-factor authentication was activated if you input the code properly.

Ring Two Factor Authentication Success MessageRing Setup with Two Factor Authentication is Complete!

When your Ring password is required, you will now get a text message with a verification code on your phone.

Ring Two-Factor Authentication Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Ring two-factor authentication. On Ring’s website, you may find more two-step verification questions and answers.

When there are numerous users, how does two-factor authentication work?

Two-factor authentication will be set up for each Ring account user. Each user will be able to submit their own phone number for text message verification codes as a result of this.

Is it necessary to input a verification code in order to enjoy live view?

No. You will not be asked for the verification code again until you log out after installing and configuring the app on your phone. There will be no lag while watching live view.

What is the procedure for changing the Ring two-factor phone number?

To modify the phone number used, turn off text message two factor verification and then activate it again.

Please spread the news about this resource by sharing it. Smart home technology is fantastic, but we must be careful with our password management to avoid exposing ourselves to additional dangers.

Should you upgrade to Ring 3?

P.S. If you have a question, want to assist someone else, or want to share your experiences, please leave a comment below. Thanks!

The “ring customer service” is a smart home device that allows users to have two-factor authentication. This article will guide you through the process of setting up and using this device.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Ring two-factor authentication code?

A: That is the code you need to enter when logging into your account on another device. Its a code that has been generated specifically for this purpose and will only allow access if it matches what is stored in their database.

How do I turn on two-factor authentication on my Ring?

A: Unfortunately, anything outside of the Ring app cannot be turned on or off in your account. If you are not able to turn it on through the website and/or mobile device, contact customer support for assistance.

Can 2 factor authentication be bypassed?

A: Yes, in theory 2 factor authentication can be bypassed if the hacker is able to obtain a password and access code.

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