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Tuya Smart App


Tuya is a smart and sleek app that helps you manage your home. It notifies you when someone enters the house, lets you search for items in different rooms, even offers up suggestions on how to improve your life!

The “tuya smart app for pc” is a smartphone application that allows you to control your Smart Home devices. The app supports Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana voice assistants.

Tuya Smart App

You’ve come to the correct spot if you’re seeking for a single point of control for your smart home devices. This tutorial will teach you all you need to know about the Tuya Smart app, including how to set it up, add your smart devices, and utilize it.

Whether you’re not sure if this is something you really need, keep reading since the following part explains why an app like Tuya Smart might be beneficial to you.

Tuya Smart: What Is It and Why Should I Use It?

The number of smart gadgets has increased dramatically in recent years. As a result, you can now utilize everything from a smart speaker to a smart TV, as well as smart fridges, light bulbs, and power outlets. Many manufacturers have pounced at this opportunity, due to the expanding smart home industry.

With so many smart devices and manufacturers to select from, it became difficult to choose just one and stay with it, particularly because none of them offers a comprehensive range of all smart gadgets. If you want to make your house genuinely smart, you’ll probably need to work with at least two or three different manufacturers to meet all of your requirements.

Although there’s nothing wrong with it, the disadvantage is that you’ll almost certainly have to use each manufacturer’s mobile app to operate their gadgets. When utilizing such a sophisticated system of gadgets and applications, this is precisely where certain hassles may develop. It’s like to having three separate remote controllers for your television, sound system, and cable channels. Wouldn’t it be great if you could operate all of your entertainment gadgets with only one remote?

Tuya Smart, for example, may come to the rescue in this situation. Tuya Smart eliminates the hassle of having many smart device manufacturers under one roof by allowing you to connect all of your smart devices to a single app. It also allows you to develop various automations that instruct your gadgets when to turn on or off and how to behave precisely as you want.

In summary, the following are the key features of the Tuya Smart app:

  • Connect and manage all of your smart gadgets at home.

  • With a single app, you can manage several residences.

  • To manage many devices with only one swipe, create groups.

  • Within the app, invite people and give them various degrees of access.

  • Create automation situations and rules.

Getting Tuya Smart Up and Running

If you’ve chosen to give Tuya Smart a try, there are a few things you’ll need to do first to get started:

  • On your smartphone, download the app.

  • Make a Tuya account for yourself.

  • Get a sense of where you are on the app’s home screen.

  • Make a profile for your house.

  • Members of your family may be added.

  • Connect Tuya Smart to the smart devices you wish to utilize.

Account Creation and Installation

Installing the Tuya Smart app on your smartphone is the first step towards utilizing it. It’s available for both Android and iOS devices, so go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to get it.

After that, it’s time to launch the app and log in. It’s time to register a Tuya account if you don’t already have one.

  1. When the app first launches, hit “Register.”

  2. On the Privacy Policy pop-up page, tap “Agree.”

  3. Choose your country code and then input your phone number.

  4. You will get an SMS with a verification code, which you must input on the following page.

  5. Finally, enter your password and click “Finish.”

The Main Menu

You’ll be sent to the app’s home screen now that you’ve checked in. The design is straightforward and uncomplicated. The majority of the screen is dedicated to displaying a list of your smart devices. You’ll see the “No devices, please add” graphic and the “Add Device” button since you haven’t linked any devices to the app.

Three icons are located in the top left corner of the screen. Once you’ve set your home’s name, the symbol in the upper-left corner will display it. A button for voice commands (the “microphone” icon) and a button for adding additional devices (the “plus” symbol) are located to the right.

There are three icons at the bottom that will lead you to the app’s primary sections:

  • Home — This button takes you to the Home Screen, which displays all of your linked devices.

  • Smart – This is the menu where you may manage your automation features.

  • Me — This is where you adjust your home’s settings and add members of your family.

Tuya-Smart-AppCredit: Freepik/chinnarach

Creating a Profile for Your House

The next step in the Tuya Smart setup process is to establish a profile for your house on the app.

  1. Select “Me” from the drop-down menu. It’s the one on the home screen’s bottom right corner.

  2. Now, from the menu, choose “Home Management.”

  3. Tap “Add new” on the following screen.

  4. The screen “Edit Home Info” displays. You may use this to set up several choices for your home:

    1. Name of your residence.

    2. Location of your residence.

    3. Rooms.

Choosing a name for your home:

Setting up the residence:

  1. Then choose “Home Location.” This entry is optional, however it will enable the app to present you with different information depending on the location of your house. This contains information about the weather, air pollution levels, and more.

  2. You should now see a map on which you can choose your home’s location. Simply press the “target” symbol at the bottom of the screen if you’ve enabled the “Location” option on your smartphone and are currently at home. This will draw the map’s attention to your position, making it simpler to find the correct place.

  3. To return to the “Edit Home Info” menu, press “OK” in the upper-right corner after you’re finished.

Organizing your home’s rooms:

  1. The next stage is to determine the layout of your home’s rooms. The program includes a list of popular room titles, such as Living Room, Master Bedroom, Second Bedroom, Kitchen, and so on. You won’t have to make any changes if the suggested room names precisely fit your home’s layout. You may save right now by tapping “Save” in the upper-right corner.

  2. Tap the “Add Room” button at the bottom of the screen to add another room to your house.

  3. You’ll be sent to the “Add Room” screen, where you may give the room a name. You’ll also get some suggestions for the new room, such as Balcony, Porch, Kid’s Room, Closet, and so on. If you discover the correct one, just touch the suggested name, and the new room’s name will be filled in immediately.

  4. Tap “Save” in the upper-right corner of the screen after you’re finished.

  5. You may now add new rooms, alter existing ones, or eliminate some of them now that you’re back on the “Edit Home Info” page.

    1. To alter the name of a room, just touch its item in the list and make the necessary changes on the following screen.

    2. Simply slide a room’s entry to the right and hit the trash can symbol to erase it.

Keeping your home settings safe:

When you return to the Tuya Smart home screen, you’ll see that it has altered significantly, now displaying the following information depending on your home settings:

  • The name of your house may be seen in the upper-right corner.

  • Below that, the app will now display current weather conditions for your location (if you’ve set it), such as Sunny/Cloudy/Rain/Night, current outdoor temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure for your area (if you’ve set it).

  • A row of your room names will appear underneath the weather information. This serves as a filter, allowing you to see gadgets in each room independently. “All devices” is the first option on the left, and it shows all of the smart devices you’ve added to Tuya Smart. Of course, you don’t have any devices to exhibit at the time, so that will be the next stage.

Increasing the number of homes in Tuya Smart

Tuya Smart is unique in that it enables you to control and manage smart devices in different houses from a single app.

Follow the steps below to add another house to the app:

  1. Tap your current home name in the upper-left corner of the screen from the app’s home screen.

  2. Now choose “Home Management” from the drop-down menu.

  3. The next screen displays all of the houses you’ve added to the app. You’ll probably just have one right now.

  4. To create a new house in the app, tap “Add new.”

  5. Now, proceed as directed in the “Creating Your Home’s Profile” section above.

You can effortlessly switch between your extra houses after you’ve made them in the app. Simply choose another house from the drop-down menu by tapping the home name in the upper-left corner of the app’s main screen. It’s that simple. When you transition between houses, the app will only display you the smart devices at the home you’ve selected.


Adding Members to the Household

It’s time to add your home members now that you’ve finished setting up your house in Tuya Smart. Everyone in your household will be able to control the smart gadgets you have installed.

  1. Tap your home name in the upper-left corner of the app’s home screen.

  2. To access the “Home Settings” screen, tap the name once again.

  3. This page enables you to adjust your home’s numerous parameters, including the name, rooms, location, and members. Tap the “Add Member” button to add a new member to your home.

  4. Fill in the member’s name, role, and phone number or email address on the following screen. There are three member positions to select from, each of which determines the amount of engagement with your smart devices:

    1. Homeowner – This is you, and there can only be one of you. This is the app’s highest level of authorisation, enabling you to control all parts of your house. This covers home settings, gadgets, rooms, automation situations, and other family members.

    2. Administrator – You may use this to manage your smart devices, rooms, automations, and other users.

    3. Member – This is the lowest level of authorisation, enabling just device and automation scenarios to be used.

  5. When you’ve finished entering all of the new member’s information, touch “Save” in the upper-right corner of the screen.

  6. This will return you to the “Home Settings” page, where the new member’s entry will be shown in the “Home Members” area. After that, hit the back arrow in the upper-left corner of the screen to add new people to the app or return to the home screen.

When you add a new member to the app and go back to the “Home Settings” page, you’ll see “Waiting to join…” written under the member’s name. This state will be maintained until the member accepts your invitation and uses the app. This status vanishes after they accept the invitation, and the member’s email address or cell phone number shows instead.

Here are the steps new members must take to begin using the app, in order to better comprehend the process:

  1. They must first download and install the Tuya Smart app.

  2. They then open the app and sign up for a Tuya account.

  3. Tuya Smart will send them a pop-notification once they log in to the app and are added to Home Members.

  4. They must press “Accept” when the “Confirm Invitation” shows up.

The house you’ve established will then display in the top-left corner of their Tuya Smart app. The permission level you’ve set to their profile will determine what they can perform in the app.

Sharing of Devices

Another intriguing aspect of this program is that you may give anybody in your house authority over a gadget. Only one criterion applies: they must live in the same nation as you. This is a useful option if you want to let your visitors utilize some of your smart gadgets while they’re visiting. This is particularly handy if you have family or friends staying with you for a few days at a time and you want them to be as relaxed as possible.

Of course, this is not the best solution for your family members. In such case, you should add them to Tuya Smart as members, as mentioned in the previous section.

Configuring the Voice Assistant

Tuya Smart, like many other smart applications, integrates with voice assistants. Through its SmartThings app, it’s compatible with Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Samsung’s Bixby.

Follow the steps below to link Tuya Smart to an assistant:

  1. Tap the “Me” icon at the bottom of the screen from the app’s home screen.

  2. The “Third-Party Integrations” section should be visible on the “Me” screen. In the upper-right corner, tap the “More” button.

  3. You should now see a list of third-party integrations with which Tuya Smart is compatible.

  4. To finish the setup, tap the voice assistant you want to use and follow the on-screen prompts.

You may now utilize the “Voice Command” button on the Tuya Smart home screen or cry out to your assistant anytime you wish to use a voice command. This may be seen in the screen’s upper-right corner. The symbol is in the shape of a microphone.


Tuya Smart App: Adding Smart Devices

It’s time to add your smart devices now that you’ve thoroughly personalized the app with home settings. You may accomplish this in one of two ways: manually or automatically.

Manually Adding Devices

  1. Go to the app’s home screen to begin adding devices. Simply press the “Home” symbol in the bottom-left corner of the screen to do so.

  2. Now, in the middle of the screen, hit the “Add Device” button. By pressing the “+” symbol in the top-right corner, you may additionally add devices.

  3. Tap the “Add Manually” option on the following screen.

  4. The panel will now display a variety of device kinds. Select the sort of device you’d want to add to the app.

  5. The list of accessible Wi-Fi networks around you will appear on the following screen. If you’re utilizing a 5 GHz network, you’ll also notice a request to convert your home Wi-Fi to 2.4 GHz in the middle of the screen. This is accomplished by adjusting the Wi-Fi router’s settings.

  6. Tap the name of your home Wi-Fi when it appears in the list and enter the password.

  7. “Next” should be tapped.

  8. This will lead you to the page where you may “Reset the device.” To pick the pairing mode for your device, tap “Net Pairing Mode” in the top-right corner of the screen.

  9. There are two choices in the “Net Pairing Mode” drop-down menu:

    1. EZ Option — This is the default mode for accessing your home Wi-Fi network to connect smart devices to the app.

    2. If you have a dedicated access point or gateway device, use this mode. These gadgets establish a closed Wi-Fi network that allows your smart devices and the app you’re using to communicate.

  10. Select the mode you want to use by tapping it.

Using the EZ Mode (Easy Mode)

  1. From the “Net Pairing Mode” drop-down menu, choose “EZ Mode.”

  2. Now, on the “Reset the device” page, follow the steps to set your smart device to its pairing mode:

    1. Turn the gadget on.

    2. Pairing mode should be enabled on the device. This step varies depending on the device, so consult the handbook to discover how to accomplish it.

  3. Tap the “Confirm indication quickly blink” radio button when the device’s indicator light begins flashing rapidly.

  4. “Next” should be tapped.

  5. Wait until the device and app have completed their pairing.

  6. After that, you’ll be sent to the basic device settings screen. Select the device’s name and the room in which it is located.

  7. “Done” is the last option.

  8. Go to the app’s home screen, and the device should be shown in the center of the screen.

AP Mode in Action

  1. From the “Net Pairing Mode” drop-down menu, choose “AP Mode.”

  2. Now, follow the on-screen steps to reset your smartphone.

    1. Turn the gadget on.

    2. Pairing mode should be enabled on the device.

  3. When you notice the device’s indicator light flashing quickly, tap the “Confirm indicator rapidly blink” radio button.

  4. “Next” should be tapped.

  5. The software instructs you to connect your smartphone to the dedicated device’s Wi-Fi hotspot in this phase. Depending on the device you’re using, this is also known as a “Access Point” or “Gateway.” To do so, go to your smartphone’s Wi-Fi settings and change from your home Wi-Fi to the device’s Wi-Fi hotspot.

  6. Return to the Tuya Smart app and hit the “Go to Connect” option after you’ve switched to the hotspot network.

  7. Tuya Smart will use the dedicated Wi-Fi hotspot to connect with your smart device.

  8. When they’ve connected, you’ll be sent to a page where you can type in the name of your smart device and choose the room where it’ll be installed.

  9. To continue, tap “Done.”

  10. Return to the app’s home screen, where the device will display in the center of the screen.

Automatically Adding Devices

The Auto Scan mode enables you to connect several smart devices at once by allowing the app to search for them simultaneously. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth smart devices, dedicated gateways, Bluetooth mesh devices, Zigbee gateways and devices, and many more are included. When you activate this option, Tuya Smart will automatically identify and propose to connect new smart devices to the app once they are switched on and set to pairing mode.

  1. Tap the “Add Device” button in the middle of the screen or the “+” symbol in the top-right corner from the app’s home screen.

  2. Tap the “Auto Scan” option on the following screen.

  3. The app will now look for any accessible smart devices in your house automatically.

  4. The “Enable rights for scanning devices” window will appear in the main area of the screen.

  5. Both the “Enable Wi-Fi” and “Enable Bluetooth” buttons should be pressed.

  6. Tap “Start scanning” to begin searching for nearby smart devices right now.

  7. When Tuya Smart locates your devices, a pop-up will appear indicating how many it has found.

  8. Tap “Go to add” to add them.

  9. Return to the app’s main screen, where you’ll find a list of all the devices with which Tuya Smart has established a connection.

Using the Home Screen to Manage Devices and Rooms

Once you’ve added all of your smart devices to the Tuya Smart app, they’ll show up on the app’s main screen, just below the room filters. The “All Devices” filter is shown by default, allowing you to view all of the devices you’ve added to the app in one spot. Simply press the “Living Room” filter to view only the gadgets you have in your living room.

A three-dot symbol may be seen on the right side of the room filters section. You have three possibilities when you touch it:

  • View in a list.

  • Management of devices.

  • Management of the space.

List View

This feature enables you to customize the appearance of the gadgets on the home screen. You have the option of using List View or Grid View. Grid View is the app’s default view.

Device Administration

You may drag the devices around in this menu to arrange them whatever you like. You may also look at them in a grid or a list format. Grayed-out devices are those that are now switched off. Select one or more devices by pressing each one, then hit the “Delete Device” button at the bottom of the screen to remove them.


Management of the Space

You may modify the order in which your rooms show in the room filter menu on the main screen with this option.

  1. Tap the symbol in the upper-right corner of the screen to enter edit mode. With three horizontal lines next to it, it resembles an arrow pointing down.

  2. To move a room up or down the list, touch and hold the symbol to the right of the room.

  3. You may also delete rooms you don’t require from this menu. Tap the minus symbol to the left of the room’s name on iOS devices. Swipe the room’s entrance to the left on Android to display the delete button. The room will be removed from the list when you touch it.

  4. Tap “Done” in the upper-right corner of the screen after you’re through viewing the room list.

Using Tuya Smart with Your Smart Devices

You may now use your smart devices after setting up the app and arranging all devices and rooms to suit your preferences.

The first thing you’ll notice is that certain device icons display important data that the device is recording. Some instances are as follows:

  • A smart thermostat can display the current temperature and humidity in your house.

  • PM levels in your house are shown by smart air purifiers.

  • A power button will be provided on smart light bulbs and power outlets, enabling you to effortlessly switch them on and off.

If a device offers certain standard settings, you can easily access them by touching the symbol in the lower-right corner of the device tile. It seems to be an arrow pointing downward. Instead than entering the device’s settings page, this option allows you to adjust certain basic functions via a pop-up menu.

When you need to rapidly set an option for the device, this is quite useful. A smart thermostat, for example, will include a power button and a slider that you can use to select the right temperature for your house. This menu enables you to modify the color, intensity, and lighting pattern of an RGB lighting system such as Philips HUE.

Simply press the device’s tile to launch its administration menu, which will give you access to all of the device’s features. Many of the settings connected to each device may be seen and changed from this menu, including:

  • The name and symbol of the device.

  • Which room does it belong in?

  • View further technical information such as the device’s ID and MAC address.

  • Check the status of the connection.

  • Activate or deactivate the gadget.

  • Its time zone should be changed.

  • The device’s automation features may be enabled or disabled.

  • Allow a family member to use the device.

  • Make a collection of similar devices or add this one to one that already exists.

  • Add a shortcut to the device, which will display on the home screen of your smartphone.

  • Check the manufacturer’s website for any available device updates.

  • Delete the Tuya Smart app from the smartphone.

Scenarios for Automated Workflows

You can operate your complete smart home from your mobile phone now that you’ve tailored Tuya Smart to properly fit your requirements and integrated all of your smart gadgets. Even if it seems futuristic, it’s merely the beginning.

One of the most useful features of an app like Tuya Smart is the ability to create automation scenarios that instruct your smart devices when and how to do certain tasks. These may be as basic as turning on the lights on your front porch at sundown to more sophisticated situations involving many devices.

A Complex Automation Scenario Example

Here’s an example of a rather complicated automation that Tuya Smart can easily develop. This system responds to your presence in the house. Tuya Smart identifies when you leave home for work in the morning and promptly assigns a sequence of tasks:

  • Turn off all of the lights in your house.

  • Turn the air conditioner off.

  • Toss your robotic vacuum cleaner into action.

After a long day at work, the automation may execute the following when you reach a radius of 1,000 meters from your home:

  • Before you return, put on the air conditioning to the desired temperature.

  • To enhance the quality of the air in your house, turn on the air purifier.

  • In your house, turn on the lights.

  • Tell your smart speaker to connect through Bluetooth to your Hi-Fi audio system and play your favorite Spotify radio station.

  • Turn on your smart TV and choose the news station you want to watch.

Isn’t it fantastic? Although it may seem that you’re incorporating some science fiction into your daily routine, this is really rather typical today.


Scenarios that are completely automated are being added.

Tuya Smart automations are based on a set of specified circumstances. When the circumstances are satisfied, the app will instruct the connected smart devices to carry out the duties you’ve assigned to them. Once you’ve built an automation scenario, you don’t have to do anything to activate it. It will continue to operate on its own until you deactivate it or remove the program.

  1. Tap the “Smart” icon on the app’s home screen. It’s the one in the center of the screen at the bottom.

  2. Select “Automation” from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the main area of the interface, tap the “Add Automatic” button. After you’ve added your first automation, hit the “+” symbol in the top-right corner of the screen to add others.

  4. This will take you to the “Smart Settings” section of the menu. Tap the “+” symbol on the “Conditions” tile to add a new condition.

  5. To describe what sort of work a smart device should undertake, press the plus symbol on the “Task” tile.

  6. Give the project a name.

  7. Select a color scheme for this automation’s tile so that it stands out in Tuya Smart.

  8. Define the length of time that this automation should run.

  9. Tap “Save” in the top-right corner after you’re finished.

  10. This will return you to the “Smart” panel, where a new tile for the automation you just made will appear.

Adding Automations to Tap-to-Run

Tap-to-Run is another wonderful method to use Tuya Smart to operate your smart home. When compared to complete automation, Touch-to-Run allows you to initiate a sequence of operations manually with only one tap.

  1. Tap the “Smart” symbol at the bottom of the screen from the app’s home screen.

  2. Tap the “Tap-to-Run” option to get started.

  3. Tap the + symbol in the top-right corner or the “Add Tap-to-Run” button in the main area of the screen.

  4. This will send you to the menu “Create Smart.” Tap the “Launch Tap-to-Run” option in the “Set a condition” stage.

  5. You’ve now reached the “Set up job” phase, where you should choose one of the following options:

    1. Run the gadget — Useful for simultaneously activating many smart devices of various sorts.

    2. Select Smart – This option allows you to toggle one of your complete automation scenarios on or off without activating their duties.

    3. Notification will be sent.

    4. Delay — This is used to set a delay between device operations.

  6. Simply follow the on-screen directions to establish all of the assignment’s specifics, depending on the task you’ve selected.

  7. When you’re finished, hit “Next” in the upper-right corner of the app’s “Smart” screen, and a new Tap-to-Run tile will emerge.

You’ll be able to activate any of your Touch-to-Run automations with a single tap from the “Smart” page after you’ve completed this step.

Taking Care of Your Automations

You may now customize how your automations and tap-to-run scenarios display on the app’s “Smart” page after you’ve finished creating them.

  1. In the app, go to the “Smart” screen.

  2. Depending on which one you wish to control right now, tap the “Tap-to-Run” or “Automation” option.

  3. The three dots icon may be found to the right of the “Tap-to-Run” and “Automation” tabs. It should be tapped.

  4. Your “Tap-to-Run” or “Automation” items will now display in the appropriate menu.

  5. Use the three lines icon to the right of the entry’s name to alter the order of the entries. To move the entry up or down, just press and hold the symbol.

  6. Simply hit the “minus” symbol next to an entry to remove it, then confirm the action by clicking “Delete,” which displays to the right of the entry.

  7. Tap “Done” in the upper-right corner of the screen when you’re happy with the adjustments you’ve made.

Tuya Smart Is a Huge Help Around the House

This post should have shown you how to set up the Tuya Smart app and integrate all of your smart devices into a single ecosystem. There’s no going back once you’ve established control over your whole house from a single location, such as your smartphone. And, with so many automation choices to choose from, it’s clear that smart living is a win-win situation.

Have you been successful in integrating your house with Tuya Smart? Are you a fan of automation scenarios? How often do you make use of them? In the comments box below, please share your opinions and experiences.

Watch This Video-

Tuya is a smart app that allows users to control their home appliances and devices with an easy-to-use smartphone app. Reference: tuya smart apk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tuya Smart app?

A: Tuya Smart is a smart speaker that has the ability to answer your questions. It also allows users to play music, read articles and news, create shopping lists with recipes or sales events, control their lights using voice commands

What works with Tuya Smart app?

A: The Tuya Smart app would work with all Bluetooth enabled devices.

Is Smart Life app same as Tuya app?

A: Smart Life app is a personal assistant for android users, which can help you manage your life. Tuya app is an online-based bot that answers questions about Chinese culture and lifestyle.

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